We Were There
English, French and Spanish with English subtitles.
Director/Writer: Sandra Rodríguez Producers: Arrimage Productions, Parallaxes Productions Cinematographer: Geneviève Perron Editor: Mariano Franco Sound: Sylvain Vary Sound Editor: Catherine Van Der Donckt Music: Mariano Franco, Fernando Pinzón
Priests. Revolutionaries. Grandpas. In 1965, six young Spanish priests arrive in Bolivia as missionaries. Somewhat rebellious and anti-conformist, they think they will change mentalities. But they soon find that they will be the ones to be changed. Witnesses to historic Latin American social movements, they cannot help but become involved; they rub shoulders with Che Guevara’s guerrilleros, hide weapons, shelter wounded men. Kicked out of the country, expelled by the Church, eventually they end up having to disband. Now in their 70s, as the eldest shows worrying signs of Alzheimer’s, they decide to take together once again the journey that changed their lives forever.
The fact that the filmmaker is the daughter of one of the protagonists allows for intensely personal elements to be introduced that create a unique aesthetic appeal. Marcelo Vera, El Deber
Curas. Revolucionarios. Abuelos. En 1965, seis jóvenes curas españoles llegan a Bolivia como misioneros. Algo rebeldes, anticonformistas, piensan cambiar mentalidades. Pero son ellos los que cambiarán. Testigos de grandes revoluciones latino-americanas, se involucran en movimientos sociales. Pronto se codean con guerrilleros del Che Guevara, esconden armas, heridos. Rechazados del país, expulsados por el clero, tuvieron que separarse. Hoy, con más de 70 años de edad, el mayor demostrando síntomas de Alzheimer, deciden hacer de nuevo juntos el viaje que cambió sus vidas. Viaje lúdico e histórico en la memoria, Punto de partida da voz a seis amigos y su improbable destino.
Sandra Rodríguez (Montreal, Quebec) has worked in numerous roles on short and medium-length films that tackle diverse subjects: the fight for water in Bolivia, landmines in Cambodia, Belgian immigration and Peruvian archaeological discoveries. Sur nos traces, her first feature, won the Best Editing award and Critics’ Choice Special Mention at Atlantidoc in Uruguay
Community Partner: Alliance Française