¡Fiesta 125! A Celebration of Latin American Culture in Vancouver
Kid Colours
Director: Ruben Castelblanco/ 7.5 min
Everyone is the new kid at some point in their life. Alejandro is a newstudent at high school. As he doesn’t speak English, he has difficultyunderstanding his peers and teachers. Under pressure, he finds a wayto adapt to his new environment with dignity.
Breaking Ground
Director: Olesia Shewchuk/ Canada/ 16 min
Bill, a Canadian border guard, is disgruntled that his job has becomemere administration. That is, until Paolo arrives hidden in a shippingcontainer, claiming to be a displaced Colombian farmer. Bill faces atough choice as he hears Paolo’s plea; his decision to reject or acceptthe stowaway into Canada will be a turning point in both their lives.
Nomadic Brush Strokes
Director: Roxana Slujitoru/ Canada/ 9 min
Young artists Adriana Contreras and Juan Pablo Munoz were born inColombia, but immigrated to Vancouver, Canada at the change of themillennium. Deeply rooted in the pursuit of their poetry and visualart, they provide a quick glimpse into their ideas about art for socialchange and activism, and their fears and hopes in life.
Director: Sandra Vigil Fonseca/ 25 min
Happiness is an exploration of the life-stories of María, Sandra’smother, who lives in Havana and Pat, a new friend in Vancouver. Patwas “a very liberal” youngster who late in her life took classical studies.Nowadays, she enjoys life in a society that allows her great autonomy.María, on the other hand, lost property, friends and family, with thetriumph of the Cuban revolution. Today, she reads in her room andworries about the destiny of her daughters.
Seeds of the Inner City (preview)
Director: Andrés Salas/ 7 min
This is a 7-minute preview of a feature-length documentary aboutSOLE food, an urban agricultural enterprise established in 2009 on ahalf-acre plot adjacent to the Astoria Hotel in downtown Vancouver.This short was part of the WE : Vancouver - 12 Manifestos for the Cityexhibit at the Vancouver Art Gallery in early 2011.
Director: Andrés Salas/ 8 min
Soundwalk is a journey of sound and images. Vancouver musicianHildegard Westerkamp shares her thoughts on the city’s soundscapes,allowing us to experience the city using a different sense.
¡Fiesta 125! A Celebration of Latin American Culture in Vancouver
In honour of the City of Vancouver’s 125th Anniversary, VLAFF is proud to present this series of short films showcasing creative works by Vancouver-based filmmakers of Latin American descent. If Vancouver -and Canada as a whole- is a place where immigration has played an important role in shaping society, arts and culture have undoubtedly played a substantial role in giving voice to the stories of immigrants in their new city. Each of the films selected highlights the filmmakers’ visions of the city they now call home while incorporating perspectives inexorably linked to their countries of origin. Presented with support from the City of Vancouver’s 125th Anniversary Grant Program and the Canada Council for the Arts.