The Way He Looks - Brazilian Gala
The Brazilian Gala consists of the film screening followed by a reception in the Vancity Theatre atrium.
Actor Fabio Audi will be in attendance.
Portuguese with English subtitles. Rated 14A.
Director/Writer: Daniel Ribeiro Producer: Diana Almeida Cinematographer: Pierre de Kerchove Editor: Cristian Chinen Production Designer: Olivia Helena Sanches Cast: Ghilherme Lobo, Fabio Audi, Tess Amorim, Lucia Romano, Eucir de Souza
Leo is a teenager like any other, grappling with his first feelings of sexual attraction while trying to wrestle a bit more independence from his over-protective parents. The only difference is that he is blind. To the disappointment of Giovana, his best friend since childhood, he can’t wait to leave home and go on a study abroad program. But when the new student Gabriel arrives in class, a whole new world suddenly opens up right in front of him. As Leo becomes aware of his feelings for Gabriel, it is hard for him to know if the arm Gabriel holds out to him is just one of friendship or something more. The Way He Looks won the Teddy Award for Best Feature at the Berlin Film Festival.
A joyous debut feature from a director who combines great writing, characterization, performance, camera, and music to deliver a film that soars above the well-explored coming of age genre. Teddy Award Jury, Berlin Film Festival
Leo é um adolescente cego que, como qualquer adolescente, está em busca de seu lugar. Desejando ser mais independente, precisa lidar com suas limitações e a superproteção de sua mãe. Para decepção de sua inseparável melhor amiga, Giovana, ele planeja libertar-se de seu cotidiano fazendo uma viagem de intercâmbio. Porém a chegada de Gabriel, um novo aluno na escola, desperta sentimentos até então desconhecidos em Leo, fazendo-o redescobrir sua maneira de ver o mundo.
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Daniel Ribeiro (b. 1982, São Paulo, Brazil) directed the short films You, Me and Him (2007) and I Don’t Want to Go Back Alone (2010), which screened in over 180 festivals worldwide and received 119 awards. His first feature, The Way He Looks won the Teddy Award for Best Feature at the Berlin Film Festival.