Happy New Year, Grandma!
Director Telmo Esnal will be in attendance.
Basque with English subtitles.
Director: Telmo Esnal Producers: Xabier Berzosa, Iñigo Obeso, Iñaki Gómez Writers: Asier Altuna, Telmo Esnal Cinematographer: Javi Agirre Erauso Editor: Raúl López Music: Javi P3z Cast: Josean Bengoetxea, Nagore Aranburu, Montserrat Carulla, Kontxu Odriozola, Pedro Otaegi
Eighty-eight-year-old Grandma Mari is draining the life out of her daughter Maritxu. Joxemari, Maritxu’s husband, decides he must take charge of Grandma Mari and get her into a home without his wife getting wind of the situation, and to do this he enlists the help of his son-in-law Kintxo. This may seem a simple task, but Grandma Mari’s stubborn and crafty character causes unexpected mayhem. Clever and at times comically horrifying, the film portrays intergenerational conflict with a dry, robust humour, while shedding light on dilemmas such as the fear of solitude, loss of moral values, selfishness and family disintegration.
This is possibly the best black comedy dealing with family issues of this year...taking care of one’s mother-in-law could be a full-blown nightmare. Marc Aviles.
Komedia beltza da URTEBERRI ON AMONA!, Mari, amona berezi samarra zaindu behar duen familiaren gatazkak azaltzen dituena. Mari amonak Maritxu alabaren arreta osoa bereganatzen du, eta Josemari, Mariren suhi eta Maritxuren senarrak zaharren egoitza batean sartzea erabaki du. Josemarik, emaztea ohartu gabe egin behar du hori, Kintxo suhiaren laguntzaz. Hasiera batean la erraza dirudiena, amonaren izaera dela eta, ustekabeko ondorioak ekarriko dituen lehia bihurtuko da. Gatazka umoreaz baliatuta azaltzen du zuzendariak, baina hainbat gairi buruzko hausnarketa ere proposatzen digu; besteak beste, bakardadeari beldurra, balio galera, norberekoikeria eta familiaren desegituratzea.
La abuela Mari está absorbiendo a su hija Maritxu, por lo que Joxemari —yerno de Mari y marido de Maritxu— decide internarla en una residencia. Joxemari debe internarla sin que su mujer lo sepa, con la ayuda de Kintxo, su yerno. Esto puede parecer una tarea sencilla, pero el carácter de la abuela provoca un duelo de consecuencias imprevisibles. ¡Feliz Año Nuevo Abuela! puede ser una de las mejores comedias negras en el cine reciente.
Telmo Esnal (b. 1966, Zarautz, Basque Country) co-directed with Asier Altuna the shorts Txotx and 40 ezetz and the feature Aupa Extebeste! (2005). Urteberri on, Amona!, his first solo feature, had its world premiere at the San Sebastián Film Festival and was selected in over 20 film festivals around the world