Double Exposure + The Interrupted Chilean
DOUBLE EXPOSURE - A mixed media performance by Edgardo Moreno
Canada/Chile, 2014
English, 23 min
Director/Composer: Edgardo Moreno
Using video, pre-recorded and live music as well as real-time sound manipulation, Edgardo Moreno explores themes of immigration to Canada as a child. Filmed in an unnamed South American country and in Toronto, the film is akin to a visual poem that is both personal and universal. As it navigates the rough waters of his parents’ social and political backgrounds coming into contact with a new culture, the film opens up many questions that lead to unexpected answers.
On September 6th, Edgardo Moreno will perform live, playing various instruments including the ukulele and mouth harp, and triggering and manipulating sounds from a laptop. The live musical aspect of the performance provides the soundtrack to the projected images, creating a mesmerizing display of digital multimedia storytelling.
Mediante videos y música en vivo, así como la manipulación del sonido en tiempo real, Edgardo Moreno explora temas de inmigración a Canadá de su infancia. Filmada en un país sudamericano sin nombre y en Toronto, la película pudiera definirse como un poema visual que es a la vez personal y universal, de cómo navegaron sus padres por las aguas turbulentas de la cultura social y política, el entrar en contacto con una nueva cultura; la cinta abre muchas preguntas que conducen a respuestas inesperadas.
Edgardo Moreno estará presente en la función el día 6 de septiembre, tocando varios instrumentos como la armónica y el ukulele, además de equipo electrónico. La música en vivo que funcionan como banda sonora de la cinta, crean un espéctaculo audiovisual alucinante.
Followed by:
The Interrupted Chilean (El chileno interrumpido)
Canada/Chile, 2014
Spanish with English subtitles/ 60 min
Director: Camilo Martín-Flórez
The Interrupted Chilean is a visually innovative documentary that revisits one of the most controversial episodes in the political history of Chile. Each part of the triptych proposes an alternate way of conveying the film’s underlying themes: In the first part, the camera follows workers making marraquetas in a bakery; the second, focuses on a Chilean political refugee who, after 40 years living in Canada, decides to revisit the detention camp in Chacabuco where he was imprisoned and tortured from 1973 to 1974; and the third, employs a split screen collage of black and white film footage to raise questions about how the past is narrated. The film aims to pay a humble tribute to the artists, craftspeople and citizens of Chile.
El chileno interrumpido retrata tradiciones culinarias, patrimonios nacionales y expresiones artísticas chilenas, pasando revista a uno de los episodios más controvertidos de la historia política de Chile. Es un tríptico audiovisual que se concentra en un refugiado político que, luego de vivir por 40 años en Canadá, decide regresar al campo de concentración donde fue encarcelado y torturado, desde 1973 a 1974. El chileno interrumpido aspira rendir un humilde homenaje a los artistas, artesanos y ciudadanos de Chile.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5UVDEVAo2s&feature=youtu.be
Edgardo Moreno (b. Santiago, Chile) is a Toronto-based musician and composer who has worked extensively creating scores and sound for contemporary dance, film and theatre. He is currently working on a new project called the “Firefly Project,” a combination of video, live music, sound and storytelling.
Camilo Martín-Flórez (b. 1980, Bogotá, Colombia) earned his BA and MA degrees in Film Studies at Concordia University in Montreal, and is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Reading in England. As a doctoral student, his research interests include the film and audiovisual heritage of Latin America, focusing on South America. His films include Entre obras (2009) and Retrato de un perro azul (2010).