From Tuesday to Tuesday
Spanish with English subtitles
Director/Screenwriter: Gustavo Fernández Triviño Producer: Gabriel Pastore Cinematographer: Julián Apezteguia Editor: Pablo Faro Music: Nicolás Mayer, Jonathan Tesei Art Direction: Dolores Sosa Principal Cast: Pablo Pinto, Alejandro Awada, Malena Sánchez, Daniel Valenzuel
Juan’s passion is bodybuilding, but he earns his living working in a garment factory where he is constantly bullied by his boss and co-workers for his muscular physique. He keeps to himself and quietly dreams of quitting to set up his own gym. But first, he needs to come up with the money. One night, Juan witnesses a crime. Stunned and confused, he must contemplate what to do with the information now in his possession. The unfolding of this moral dilemma will make audiences clutch their seats in exasperation and expectation, and vigorously debate at what moment the possibility of doing the right thing is lost.
It is especially worthwhile for its intensity. From the first to the last second, Gustavo Triviño drives the spectator where he wants. A masterstroke. Nicolas Rauline, Barrio Latino
Juan tiene como hobby el fisicoculturismo y trabaja en una fábrica donde a pesar de su musculoso físico, es maltratado por sus jefes y compañeros. Su mayor sueño es poder dejar la fábrica y ser dueño de su propio gimnasio. Una noche Juan es testigo involuntario de una violación de una chica que él conoce, pero se queda perplejo sin hacer nada. Juan se tiene que plantear el dilema entre lo que es moralmente correcto y la posibilidad de obtener su sueño. La intensidad narrativa De Martes a Martes, no dejará que te levantes de la butaca ningún día.
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Gustavo Fernández Triviño was born in Buenos Aires in 1972. Since graduating from the Buenos Aires Film School (CIC), he has worked on over 30 films with many renowned Argentine directors and established himself as a Steadicam expert. From Tuesday to Tuesday won the Best Film award at Biarritz and Best Actor at the Mar del Plata Film Festival.