Spanish and Aymara with English subtitles
Director/Screenwriter/Editor: Héctor Ferreiro Producers: Victoria Guerrero, Juan Pablo Urioste, Miguel Torricos, Héctor Ferreiro Cinematographer: Juan Pablo Urioste Art Director: Ángelo Valverde Score: Gustavo Basanta, Pedro Rumelfanger, Daniel Bargach Principal Cast: Limber Calle, Erika Andia, Wilmer Mamani, Cayo Salamanca
Tito, a young boy, lives on the streets of La Paz, Bolivia, but when his shoeshine box is stolen, he is left with no means of survival. Collapsed on a bench, a vision of another reality comes to him, where a mysterious woman leads him along ancient Inca paths and teaches him the ways of the ancestors. Meanwhile, the city itself explodes in a social uprising, as the indigenous population make a stand for their rights and the police answer with tear gas and bullets. Tito’s personal struggle for peace becomes a profound reflection of the need for a greater social awakening.
Pacha is a radical, visually powerful and poetic appeal for change. Berlin Film Festival
En La Paz, Bolivia, en medio de un estallido social, alguien le ha robado a Tito su cajita de lustra zapatos. Colapsado, Tito duerme en una banca y tiene una visión donde una misteriosa mujer lo lleva por los caminos de los Incas, así, él comienza una búsqueda donde los sueños y la realidad se confunden. La cinta está basada en demostraciones que tomaron lugar en el 2003 cuando la gente protestó en contra de la venta del gas boliviano y donde sesenta personas fueron asesinadas. Pacha es una cinta radical, visualmente poderosa y con un llamado poético hacia el cambio.
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Héctor Ferreiro was born in Mexico City in 1977. He worked for many years directing and editing social documentaries in Chile and Bolivia. Pacha premiered at the Berlin Film Festival, won Best Soundtrack at the Latin American Film Festival in Belgium, and was the Opening Night Film at the Kochi International Film Festival in Kerala, India.