Jonathas’ Forest
Portuguese with English subtitles
Director/Producer/Screenwriter: Sérgio Andrade Cinematographer: Yure César Editor: Fábio Baldo Music: Ian dos Anjos, Begê Muniz Principal Cast: Begê Muniz, Francisco Mendes, Viktoryia Vinyarska, Ítalo Castro, Socorro Papoula, Chico Diaz
A family lives off the land, selling fruit to tourists at a humble roadside stall by a motorway that crosses a rural community in the Brazilian Amazon. Unlike his carefree older brother Juliano, Jonathas is an exemplary son, dedicated to his studies and to helping his parents make a living. Lured into a camping trip by his brother and by the sensuality of a Ukrainian girl, his life poignantly changes as he enters the realm of the powerful and deceiving rainforest. A beautifully shot drama of faith and nature, tradition and youth. - Vitor Borba
The eternal tensions between fathers and sons, tradition and modernity, innocence and experience lie at the heart of this small but absorbing drama. Stephen Dalton, The Hollywood Reporter
Uma família vive da venda de frutos tropicais em uma barraquinha na beira da estrada que corta uma comunidade rural na Amazônia. Jonathas, ao contrario de seu irmão mais velho Juliano, é um filho exemplar, dedicando-se aos estudos e ajudando os pais na subsistência da família. Quando o rapaz decide acampar com o irmão e dois amigos, motivado pela sensualidade de uma turista Ucraniana, sua vida muda ao adentrar a poderosa e enganadora floresta. Um drama de fé e natureza, de juventude e tradição, com uma bela e colorida cinematografia.
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Sérgio Andrade was born in Brazil in 1967. He worked for eight years as a manager with the Amazonas Film Commission. His short films, Criminosos (2008), A River Between Us (2009) and Cachoeira (2010) have screened at numerous film festivals including Toulouse, Barcelona, Miami and São Paulo. Jonathas' Forest, his feature debut, premiered at the Rotterdam International Film Festival.