Spanish with English subtitles
Director: Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza Producers: Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza, Maritza Rincón Screenplay: Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza, Alfonso Acosta Cinematographer: Paulo Pérez Editor: Mauricio Vergara Art Director: Claudia Victoria Principal Cast: Karent Hinestroza, Esteban Copete, Daniela Mosquera, Sebastián Mosquera
Chocó is 27 years old; she has two children, a tiny hut on the edge of a Colombian village, an underpaid job in a gold mine, a second job laundering clothes, and a marimba-playing husband who gambles away their money and forces himself onto her at night when he’s had too much to drink. Nonetheless, Chocó is a fighter and she is determined to make a better life for her family. As her daughter’s seventh birthday approaches, Chocó promises to buy her a cake. However, fulfilling that promise proves to be much more difficult than expected.
An intimate film, heartbreaking and powerful that portrays the suffering of the people of the Chocoano region within an atmosphere of intelligent, sensitive and genuine cinema. Alberto Posso Gómez, El País
Chocó es una mujer de 27 años quien ha sido desplazada de sus tierras por la violencia. Lleva a cuestas una familia de dos hijos menores y a su esposo músico que sólo sabe tocar marimba, beber viche y jugar dominó. Es el cumpleaños de la pequeña Candelaria, y por primera vez Chocó le promete una torta, sin embargo, las cosas se complican al tratar de cumplir esta promesa, desencadenando consecuencias inesperadas para Chocó y toda su familia. Chocó también es una clara y poderosa metáfora de la región de Chocó, conocida por su mayoría de habitantes de raíces africanas.
Jhonny Hendrix Hinestroza was born in Quibdo, Chocó in 1975. He has more than 14 years of experience in film production, including Dog Eat Dog (2008), and is the founder of Antorcha Films. Chocó had its world premiere at the 2012 Berlin Film Festival and won Best Film at the Cartagena Film Festival.
Presented in collaboration with the Museum of Anthropology and the UBC Department of History.