Director: Teresa Arredondo Producer: Teresa Arredondo Screenplay: Teresa Arredondo, Martín Sappia Cinematographer: Teresa Arredondo, César Boretti Editor: Martín Sappia Music: Esteban Anavitarte Research: Rocío Chacón, Adriana León, Teresa Arredondo
I remember the night when the history of my family changed. They called us from Peru to inform us that my Aunt Sibila was in prison, accused of being a member of the Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path). I was seven-years-old at the time and because of my parents’ silence about her, she became a great mystery in my life. Director
Sibila is more than a biographical portrait of a bold and complex woman’s commitment to her ideals (Sibila was known as the former wife of the Chilean poet Jorge Teiller and later, the wife of the Peruvian writer José María Arguedas); it is the intimate examination of the ideology of a controversial political activist.
“Recuerdo la noche en que la historia de mi familia cambió. Llamaron desde Perú, para avisar que mi tía, Sibila, estaba presa acusada de ser miembro del grupo terrorista Sendero Luminoso. Yo tenía siete años y el silencio protector de mis padres ayudó a que su figura se convirtiera en un gran misterio en mi vida”. Directora. Sibila, más que el retrato biográfico de una mujer, examina los ideales complejos de este personaje, quien fue esposa del poeta chileno Jorge Teillier y, después, del escritor peruano José María Arguedas.
Teresa Arredondo was born in Lima, Peru in 1978 and moved to Chile in 1984. In 2007, Sibila was named the Best Project of the Southern Cone at DOC Buenos Aires. In 2012, it won the Human Rights Competition Award at BAFICI and received a Special Jury Mention at the Málaga Film Festival in Spain.