Seeds of the Inner City
Director: Andrés Salas Producers: City of Vancouver, Vancouver Latin American Film Festival, Darlene Choo Screenplay: Andrés Salas Cinematographer: Andrés Salas Editor: Andrés Salas
This grassroots documentary follows a year in the life of twelve residents of Vancouver’s Downtown eastside community as they become involved with SOLeFood, a social enterprise that provides agricultural employment and training opportunities in urban farming for inner-city residents. Through interviews with the participants and project organizers, and with a strong composition of images and exploratory sounds, the director creates an emotional and truthful diary of the life and death struggles and triumphs of the first urban farming team in the Downtown eastside.
A provocative, intimate view of the participants and the project... relevant to many social justice issues in our community & globally. W2 Community Arts.
este documental explora el potencial de desarrollo económico comunitario y la complejidad de las relaciones humanas. en un periodo de doce meses, el director sigue a un grupo de doce residentes del Centro-este de Vancouver mientras son entrenados en agricultura. Usando un enfoque personal, el filme muestra como por medio de arduo trabajo y del contacto con la tierra, los granjeros y granjeras descubren y se sintonizan con los conceptos de la vida y de la muerte. Con una fuerte composición de imágenes y exploración de sonidos, el director crea un diario emocional y sincero de vida, de muerte, de lucha y de sueños del primer equipo de agricultura urbana del Centro-este de Vancouver.
Andrés Salas grew up in Bogotá, Colombia and currently lives in Montreal. His short films Windows and Soundwalk both screened at VLAFF. He has exhibited work as part of group and solo shows, including in the exhibit We: Vancouver – 12 Manifestos for the City at the Vancouver Art Gallery in 2011.