A chinese Tale
Director: Sebastián Borensztein Producers: Gerardo Herrero, Juan Pablo Buscarini, Pablo Bossi, Isabel García Peralta Screenplay: Sebastián Borensztein Cinematographer: Rodrigo Pulpeiro Editor: Fernando Pardo Music: Lucio Godoy Principal Cast: Ricardo Darín, Huang Sheng Huang, Muriel Santa Ana
For over 20 years, introverted hardware store owner Roberto (Ricardo Darín of the Oscar-winning The Secret in Their Eyes) has lived virtually shut off from the outside world. Roberto’s orderly yet lonely existence is disrupted when Jun, a young man from China stumbles into his path. Jun has just landed in Buenos Aires in search of his uncle, his only living relative, but does not speak a word of Spanish. Roberto suddenly finds himself the custodian of this stranger as he is unwillingly caught up in Jun’s predicament. In this funny and heartwarming tale, destiny’s intersections are many and they may even divulge the film’s curious opening sequence of a cow falling from the sky.
True, Ricardo Darín has talent and charisma, but something magical happens between him and the audience that is almost impossible to put into words. Diario Clarín
Por más de veinte años, el introvertido dueño de una tienda ferretera, Roberto (Ricardo Darín, de la cinta ganadora del Oscar El secreto de sus ojos), ha vivido virtualmente cerrado al mundo después de vivir un suceso que lo marcó profundamente. Ahora, tiene la oportunidad de encontrar a Jun, un hombre chino que no habla una palabra de español, y que está en Buenos Aires buscando a su tío quien es su único familiar viviente. Desde ese momento comienza una forzada y extraña convivencia. Lo que ignoran es que están unidos por un extraño destino y al descubrirlo ambos modifican definitivamente sus vidas.
Sebastián Borensztein was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. His work on popular Argentine TV series such as “el garante,” won him four Martin Fierro awards. His feature film debut, La suerte está echada won the Audience Award at Trieste. Un cuento chino, his third feature, won the Marc’Aurelio Jury Award for Best Film at the Rome Film Festival, the Spanish Goya Award for Best Iberoamerican Film, and the Argentine Academy Award for Best Film and Best Actor. It was also seen by close to a million cinema-goers in Argentina, making it the most successful Argentine film of 2011.