La Playa D.C.
LA PLAYA D.C. won Best Film at VLAFF this year, it is also Colombia's official entry for Best Foreign Film at the Oscars. The World Premiere of La Playa D.C. was at the Cannes Film Festival.
Director/Screenwriter: Juan Andrés Arango Producers: Diana Bustamante, Jorge Andrés Botero Cinematographer: Nicolás Canniccioni Editor: Felipe Guerrero Production Design: Angélica Perea Music: Erick Bongcam, Jacobo Vélez, María Mulata, Iván Benavides, Socavón de Timbiquí, Diocelino Rodriguez, Flaco Flow & Melanina, Choquibtown, Jiggy Drama Principal Cast: Luis Carlos Guevara, Andrés Murillo, James Solís
With the enchantment and intensity of an edgy urban fairy tale, La Playa D.C. follows three brothers - Tomás, Jairo, and Chaco - as they face growing up in Bogotá, with its eight million inhabitants and endless asphalt, far from their home in the lush coastal town of Buenaventura. When Jairo disappears, Tomás takes to the streets in a bold attempt to rescue him. But first, he must find a way to rescue himself. The intricately designed close shaves that are popular in the local barber shop spark an idea, but like everything in La Playa, nothing comes easily. In his search for an identity distinct from his brothers, Tomás, like Colombia itself, stands on a precarious threshold between what once was and what might be.
An auspicious debut... a unique vision, by turns harrowing, heartrending, and humorous. Christopher Bourne, ADIFF Review
Con el encanto y la intensidad de una fábula, pero en este caso, que toma lugar en la Bogotá arrinconada, La Playa D.C. nos sumerge en la historia de tres jóvenes, a quienes la jungla urbana amenaza con consumir sus vidas. Tomás es un joven negro que ha huido de la costa pacífica colombiana a causa de la guerra, trata de abrirse camino en Bogotá, la metrópoli de ocho millones de habitantes, donde se encuentra con dificultades para abrirse camino. Cuando, Jairo, su hermano menor, desaparece, Tomás iniciará un viaje que pondrá a prueba su valor para enfrentar el miedo, la nostalgia y las heridas del pasado.