The Pawn + Silent Screams
Spanish with English subtitles.
Inspiring and haunting, The Pawn is a testament to strength and commitment in the face of adversity. On Kelly Díaz Reyes's 15th birthday, she shone at her quinceañera; but only two years later she was kidnapped, raped and killed. Her cousin Karin Gramajo became a lawyer in reaction to the terrible crime, and along with victim’s families, continues to fight valiantly for justice in Guatemala, a country with a rate of impunity of 98%. Astrid Elías Macario—kidnapped at 14—survived. But for her own protection, she had to flee to the US where she faces the new and different threat of deportation. With hope and perseverance, the families work to hold criminals accountable in a country struggling to address the violence within its borders. Kathleen Mullen, Hot Docs
“...we are still fighting so that this doesn’t go unpunished, that even if we are humble people, we can make the country change if we keep fighting.” Karin Gramajo
La prenda es un documental sobre dos mujeres que luchan contra la impunidad en Guatemala, uno de los países más violentos del mundo. Karin Gramajo es una madre soltera de tres niños cuya vida cambia drásticamente cuando Kelly, su prima de 17 años, es brutalmente secuestrada y asesinada. A pesar de las amenazas de muerte, ella estudia para convertirse en una abogada para ayudar a otras víctimas a luchar por la justicia. Astrid Elías fue secuestrada y violada cuando tenía 14 años. Ella huye a los EE. UU., donde supera su miedo y toma la decisión de hablar sobre su pasado, mientras se enfrenta a la deportación.
Preceded by:

SILENT SCREAMS (Gritos del Silencio)
Canada/El Salvador, 2014
Spanish with English subtitles / 20 min
Director: Gerson J. Peña (in attendance)
Centred around the story of Lazaro Moran, whose wife of 47 years was murdered by teenagers, Silent Screams investigates gender violence in El Salvador.
Jean-Cosme Delaloye (b. 1975, Monthey, Switzerland) is a New York-based journalist who has covered many stories in Central America. In 2012, he directed By My Side, a documentary about three young women living in the landfill of Managua, Nicaragua. The Pawn, his second feature documentary, had its Canadian premiere at Hot Docs.
Director/Writer: Jean-Cosme Delaloye
Producers: Gérard Monier, Francine Lusser
Cinematographers: Jean-Cosme Delaloye, Nicholas Strini, Jacob Jiménez, Pablo Aguilar
Editor: Lila Place
Composer: Mirko
Participants: Karin Gramajo, Astrid Elías Macario, Francisco Saquic, Norma Cruz