We are Mari Pepa
Spanish with English subtitles.
Director: Samuel Isamu Kishi Leopo Producers: Toiz Rodríguez, Laura Blanco Writers: Samuel Isamu Kishi, Sofía Gómez Córdova Cinematographer: Octavio Arauz
Editors: Carlos Espinoza, Yordi Capó Art Direction: Rebeca del Real Music: Kenji Kishi Cast: Alejandro Gallardo, Arnold Ramírez, Moisés Galindo, Rafael Andrade, Petra Iñiguez
Alex, a 16-year-old teenager who lives with his grandmother in Guadalajara, has various plans for the summer: writing a new song with his punk rock band, finding a job and having his first sexual experience. He has also become aware that his grandmother is starting to become increasingly dependent on him. As summer draws on, Alex realizes that things are going to change forever and that he will have to grow up and learn to say goodbye.
The screenplay...deftly illustrates this particular time in adolescence, when at one moment, boys may cheerfully pursue friendship, music, girls and porn, and at another appear full of doubts and disappointments. [A] tender, pitch-perfect coming-of-ager. Alissa Simon, Variety
Alex, un chico de 16 años que vive con su abuela, tiene distintos objetivos para el verano: crear junto con su grupo de rock una nueva canción, conseguir trabajo y tener su primera experiencia sexual. Al mismo tiempo, descubre que su abuela comienza a ser más dependiente de él. Conforme avanza el verano, Alex empieza a darse cuenta de que las cosas van a cambiar para siempre, y que deberá madurar y aprender a decir adiós.
Somos Mari Pepa es una cinta que refresca al cine independiente mexicano filmado en provinica, en este caso, la ciudad de Guadalajara tambié funge como protagonista.
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Samuel Isamu Kishi Leopo (b.1984, Guadalajara, Mexico) has directed numerous short films including Mari Pepa (2011), which won the Ariel for Best Short Fiction at the Mexican Film Awards. Somos Mari Pepa premiered at the Berlin Film Festival and won Best First Film in Miami and the Audience Award in Durango.
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