The Naked Room
Spanish with English subtitles.
Director: Nuria Ibáñez Producer: Cristina Velasco Cinematographer: Ernesto Pardo Editor: Lucrecia Gutiérrez Maupomé Sound: Federico González Jordán
The Naked Room shows a whole world without leaving a single space: the examination room in the psychiatric wing of a Mexico City children’s hospital. Here the traumas and nightmares of a generation of Mexican youth are revealed in all their painful reality. The youth suffer from issues including severe depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder from assault and more. Many of the children in the film pose a danger to themselves or others; and the care they receive in this office may be their last hope. Listening to the youth, their parents and the doctors during these consultation sessions allows for a more profound and complex view of mental illness and our social reality.
This work’s urgent appeal is that silence is the worst possible outcome: for them, for us, and for our collective attachments. Paulina Suárez, Ambulante
Todo un universo sin salir de un único espacio: el consultorio de un hospital infantil en la Ciudad de México. Las conversaciones entre los niños, sus papás y los doctores nos permiten tener una visión más profunda y compleja de nuestra realidad social y de la fragilidad humana. Los jóvenes sufren de diferentes enfermedades mentales como depresión, esquizofrenia y muchos de los chicos pueden causar peligro a ellos o a su entorno. Escuchándolos, nos adentramos en un universo que nos concierne a todos, El cuarto desnudo se propone mediante éstos jóvenes, descifrar muchos de los males de nuestra sociedad. El cuarto desnudo es un documental arriesgado en el sentido ético, al mostrar la dura realidad de estos chicos, aunque se nota el cuidado, el respeto a sus historias, en la trágica belleza con que se les retrata.
Nuria Ibañéz (b. 1974, Madrid, Spain) graduated from the Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica in Mexico. She received numerous awards for her debut film La cuerda floja (The Tightrope) (2009), a documentary about a family of circus performers. El cuarto desnudo received the award for Best Documentary at the Morelia Film Festival in 2013.
Community Partner: Frames of Mind