The Last Station
Director Cristian Soto will be in attendance.
Spanish with English subtitles.
Directors: Cristian Soto, Catalina Vergara Producers: Catalina Vergara, Paz Urrutia, Osvaldo Araya Co-producer: Philip Gröning Cinematographer: Cristian Soto Editors: Cristian Soto, Catalina Vergara
“Good morning, grandmas and grandpas. Today I want to share with you the sounds I recorded on a rainy day,” says the radio announcer, the residents of Father Hurtado’s nursing home listening quietly to the daily broadcast. They wait patiently to hear news of those who have passed away, like a tired passenger awaits the arrival of the last train. Poetic and deeply human, The Last Station is an insightful portrait of life in a Chilean nursing home, where residents embark with determination upon their every chore. Hailed around the world as masterful—it’s dimly lit scenes [have been] compared to the paintings of Vilhelm Hammershoi and its careful narrative approach reminiscent of Tarkovsky’s work. (Hot Docs).
Harrowing, delightful, transcendent and full of incredible captured moments, The Last Station is an unbearably moving cinematic achievement. Robert Green, British Film Institute
La última estación habla sobre la vejez en el interior de los asilos de ancianos en Chile. Bajo la mirada contemplativa de una cámara se retrata la vida y momentos que enfrentan abuelos en esta última etapa, en un ambiente de abandono y soledad. Estos hogares y su eterno paso del tiempo, se convierten en la última estación de la vida, antes de emprender ese viaje inevitable hacia la muerte.
Desgarradora, encantadora, trascendente y llena de increíbles momentos capturados, La última estación es un insoportablemente bien logrado movimiento cinematográfico... un poema sobre la muerte. Robert Green, British Film Institute
Cristian Soto (b. 1980, Talcahuano, Chile) and Catalina Vergara (b. 1981, Concepción, Chile) studied filmmaking at Duoc UC in Santiago. Both of their thesis projects, Pasajero de niebla and Mujeres del silencio, received numerous national awards. La última estación, their first feature documentary, received the Special Jury Prize at the Havana Film Festival.