AninA - Closing Night Gala
The Closing Night Film and Award Ceremony will be followed by the Closing Night Reception at the Djavad Mowafaghian World Art Centre in the Goldcorp Centre for the Arts. The reception will feature live music from local favourites MEZCLA.
Spanish with English subtitles. Rated PG. Recommended for ages 9 and up.
Director: Alfredo Soderguit Producers: Julián Goyoaga, Jhonny Hendrix, Germán Tejeira Story: Federico Ivanier, based on the novel Anina Yatay Salas by Sergio López Suárez Scriptwriters: Federico Ivanier, Julián Goyoaga, Alejo Schettini, Alfredo Soderguit, Germán Tejeira Animation Director: Alejo Schettini Art Director: Sebastián Santana Editors: Julián Goyoaga, Germán Tejeira Cinematographer: Paulo Andrés Pérez Voices: Federica Lacaño, Guillermina Pardo, Lucía Parrilla, César Troncoso, María Mendive
Ten-year-old Anina Yatay Salas does not like her name; each part is a palindrome, which means it reads the same way forwards and backwards. Anina’s schoolmates love to tease her about it, until one day Anina can’t take it anymore and gets into a fight during recess with her archenemy, Yisel. Their punishment is rather unusual: the principal gives each of them a sealed black envelope and instructs them not to open it until they return to see her in seven days. The mystery of its contents will eat away at Anina and get her into all sorts of trouble. Drawn in a pencil-and-watercolour style, this film is an exceptional work of animation and a delight to watch.
This moving animated film has the homemade flavour of a warm and happy afternoon tea on a rainy day. BAFICI
A Anina Yatay Salas, de diez años, no le gusta su nombre; cada parte es una capicúa, es decir, se lee igual de izquierda a derecha y viceversa. A sus compañeros de clase les encanta mortificarla hasta que Anina no aguanta más y se enfrasca en una pelea durante el recreo con su archienemiga. Su castigo es bastante inusual: la directora les entrega a cada una un sobre sellado y les dice que no lo abran hasta la próxima semana. El misterio se comerá a Anina por dentro y la meterá en problemas. Toda la familia se enamorará de Anina y de esta encantadora película dibujada con lápiz y acuarela. AninA cautiva y emociona con su mundo de fantasía y su mensaje sobre la infancia, la familia y la educación.
Alfredo Soderguit (b. 1973, Rocha, Uruguay) is the founder of the artistic collective Symbolic Operation and co-founder of the studio Palermo Animation. He has illustrated over 40 children’s books, including the one that inspired AninA, his directorial debut. AninA won the Audience Award at BAFICI and was selected at Berlin, TIFF and major festivals around the world.