Young & Wild
Director: Marialy Rivas Producers: Juan de Dios Larraín, Pablo Larraín Screenplay: Marialy Rivas, Camila Gutiérrez, Pedro Peirano, Sebastián Sepúlveda Cinematographer: Sergio Armstrong Editors: Andrea Chignoli, Sebastián Sepúlveda Principal Cast: Alicia Rodríguez, María Gracia Omegna, Felipe Pinto, Aline Kuppenheim, Ingrid Isensee, Alejandro Goic
Daniela is an angst-ridden 17-year-old who finds that her raging sexual drive is difficult to reconcile with the orders of her religion and the expectations of her well-to-do, evangelical family. With no outlet for her desire, Daniela taps into an online network of other restless teenagers through her sexually charged blog. In addition to being a playful, energetic and, at times, uncomfortably explicit coming-of-age story, Joven y Alocada is fresh and innovative in its format.
''Young and Wild'' is based on the true story of Camila Gutiérrez, a young Chilean educated within the bosom of an evangelical family, who feels repressed and unable to come to terms with her confused sexuality and anxiousness to experiment and decides to tell her stories through a platform that is inaccessible to her parents. The Internet offers just such an outlet: Fotolog, MSN and Blog---three tools that will become the escape routes of the protagonist. Marialy Rivas (the film director) started to follow the blog and decided to meet with the real "Young and Wild" woman in person; they had a coffee and decided to make the story into a film. The film, which employs a pop aesthetic and references associated with gay culture, garnered thousands of followers and a wide audience. The film subsequently won the best screenplay award at Sundance 2012, where it had its world premiere. You can follow ‘’Joven y Alocada’’ at http://jovenyalocada.blogspot.ca/
If this movie is able to raise questions in people’s souls regarding how they perceive their sexuality, and of how much guilt, pain, phobia or hatred derives from absurd notions of misunderstood religion, I will be the happiest woman to walk this earth. --Marialy Rivas, director.
Daniela es una joven de 17 años criada en el seno de una estricta familia evangelista. Rebelde por naturaleza, intentará seguir el "camino recto" después de que sus conmocionados padres descubran que es una "fornicadora". En su camino hacia la salvación, se encontrará con un devastador obstáculo a la hora de encontrar la deseada armonía espiritual: sus impulsos sexuales no se pueden conciliar con lo que su religión le exige.
''Joven y Alocada'' esta basada en la vida Camila Gutiérrez, una joven chilena educada en el seno de una familia evangélica, quien reprimida por su confusa sexualidad y ansiedad de experimentar decide contar sus historias a través de plataformas inaccesibles a sus padres. Internet ofrece: Fotolog, MSN y Blog. Tres herramientas que se convertirán en las vías de escape de la protagonista. La inmensidad virtual, conecta a Marialy Rivas (directora de la película) con este blog y hace que estas dos mujeres se encuentren, Marialy busca conocer a esta "Joven y Alocada", beben un café y deciden dar cauce a la historia mediante un film. La película, bajo estética pop y recursos asociados a la "cultura gay", logra miles de seguidores y una alta audiencia. El film posteriormente gana el premio de mejor guión en Festival de Sundance 2012, donde fue su premiere mundial. Pueden seguir a ''Joven y Alocada'' en http://jovenyalocada.blogspot.ca/
Marialy Rivas was born in Talcahuano, Chile in 1976. Her short film, Blokes (Blocks), competed at Cannes, and won awards for Best Short at Miami and San Francisco. Joven y Alocada was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize and won the World Cinema Best Screenplay Award at the Sundance Film Festival.