English and Spanish with English subtitles
Director/Cinematographer/Screenwriter: Franca González Production (Canada): Carole Laganière Editor: Miguel Colombo Sound Editor: Guido Deniro Music: Javier Estrin Principal Cast: Stan Hunt
Stan Hunt is a red cedar wood carver, an art he learned from his father, Henry Hunt, and grandfather, Mungo Martin - master sculptors from the Kwakiutl First Nation from the northern side of Vancouver island. Stan is now working on the most significant piece of his life, a 42-foot totem pole carved from a 1500-year-old, 5-ton cedar tree, a project commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and Public Spaces of the City of Buenos Aires. Once completed, his totem pole will travel 15,000 km by boat to reach Río de la Plata, Argentina. However, in the remote Fort Rupert village, nobody expects how their dreams may be upset by the far and unpredictable politics of Buenos Aires.
Totem will have its World Premiere at VLAFF.
Stan Hunt es un tallador de cedro rojo. Aprendió la creación de este arte gracias a su padre y a su abuelo, maestros escultores del pueblo Kwakiutl, un conjunto de aldeas olvidadas en el norte de la isla de Vancouver. Stan trabaja en la pieza más trascendental de su vida: un totem de 14 mts. Un cedro al que le llevó 1,500 años pesar más de 5 toneladas. Su obra, cargada de representaciones milenarias, recorrerá 15,000 kms en barco para llegar al Río de la Plata. Pero, en la pequeña aldea de Fort Rupert, nadie se imagina como se planifican y se deciden las cosas en la lejana e imprevisible Buenos Aires.
Franca González was born in La Pampa, Argentina in 1968. As a documentary filmmaker, she has made numerous films including Behind the Railroad (2006), which won Best Direction at the Tandil Film Festival, and Liniers, the simple lines of things (2010), which the Argentine Academy of Motion Pictures nominated as one of the five best documentaries of the year.