She Doesn’t Want to Sleep Alone
Spanish with English subtitles
Director: Natalia Beristáin Producers: Abril Schmucler, Rodrigo Herranz, Rafael Ley Screenwriters: Gabriela Vidal, Natalia Beristáin Cinematographer: Dariela Ludlow Editor: Miguel Schvenfinger Art Direction: Sandra Flores Music: Pedro de Tavira Principal Cast: Mariana Gajá, Adriana Roel, Arturo Beristáin, Leo Ortiz Gris, Emma Dib
Amanda finds her aimless life is altered when she is forced to come to the aid of her alcoholic grandmother. Dolores is a retired actress who lives alone amongst the faded photographs of her past glory. And, as each bottle of whiskey empties, her memory slips further. Until now, Amanda has not had much of a relationship with her grandmother, and she takes on her new role of caretaker reluctantly. The obsessions of a young woman and the eccentricities of an aging one meet head-on in this artfully constructed drama that poignantly questions what it means to grow old.
It is this clash of generations that is the greatest achievement of the film, as much for its emotional impact, as for the enjoyment of their dialogues. Mary Carmen Albarrán, Cine Premiere
Amanda encuentra su tranquila vida alterada cuando es forzada a cuidar a su abuela alcohólica. Dolores es una actriz jubilada quien vive sola rodeada de su gloria pasada. Pero cada botella de whiskey que toma se traduce en un deterioro de su memoria. Hasta ese momento, Amanda no había tenido una relación cercana con Dolores y resentimientos del pasado salen a flote. Las obsesiones de una joven mujer y las excentricidades de una de edad avanzada, se confrontan en este drama que con una solvencia narrativa excelente, pone sobre la mesa el significado de ir envejeciendo.
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Natalia Beristáin was born in Mexico City in 1981. She has worked as a casting director for numerous award-winning films, among them, The Golden Cage (2013) and Abel (2010). She Doesn’t Want to Sleep Alone premiered at the Venice Film Festival and won Best Film at the Morelia and Durango Film Festivals in Mexico.