Fat, Bald, Short Man
Director: Carlos Osuna Producers: Juan Mauricio Ruíz, Francisco de Castro, Carlos Osuna Screenplay: Carlos Osuna, Juan Mauricio Ruíz Cinematographer: Yomayra Puentes, Guillermo Santos Animation: Adriana Ramirez, Carlos Osuna Editor: Carlos Osuna Music: Leonardo Bohórquez, Alejandro Quintero Principal Cast: Álvaro Bayona, Fernando Arévalo, Jairo Camargo, Julio Medina, Ernesto Benjumea, Sandra Reyes, Marcela Mar
This highly innovative, animated film tells the story of Antonio Farfán, a middle-aged man who works in a notary office. He believes that his dull personal and professional life is the result of his looks: being fat, bald and short. One day his new boss arrives: a fatter, balder and shorter man who, unlike Antonio, is both successful in his career and happily married. In spite of Antonio’s deep-seated shyness and insecurity, he can’t help but see that it is time for things to change. The question is: How is he going to do it?
An example of animation in perfect tuning with its theme, there’s a devastating power in the simple drawings of the characters and the hallucinated (hallucinating) realism of the backgrounds and the urban landscape. Leonardo M. D’Espósito, BAFICI
Esta es la historia de Antonio, un hombre de mediana edad quien cree que su aburrida vida personal y profesional, es el resultado de su aspecto: gordo, calvo y bajito. Un día llega su nuevo jefe: un hombre más gordo, más calvo y más bajito que él, quien a diferencia de Antonio, es exitoso y querido por otros. Aturdido y confundido, Antonio tiene que enfrentar a sus propios miedos.
Carlos Osuna was born in Bogotá, Colombia in 1980. His short, Mira la tele, won the Pre-Columbian Gold Circle Award at the Bogotá Film Festival. He participated in the Berlinale Talent Campus with his short Loop análogo. His first feature film, Gordo, calvo y bajito, received a Special Mention at the Warsaw Film Festival.