Avanti Popolo
Portuguese with English subtitles
Director/Screenwriter: Michael Wahrmann Producer: Sara Silveira Cinematographer: Rodrigo Pastoriza Editor: Ricardo Alves Jr., Fellipe Barbosa Art Director: Ana Paula Cardoso Sound Design: Daniel Turini, Fernando Henna Principal Cast: André Gatti, Carlos Reichenbach, Estopinha (Whale, the dog)
Needing a place to stay after a fight with his wife, a man knocks on his father’s door and is coldly welcomed by an old man and his sole companion, a dog named Whale. In the modest house, the son digs up memories of a missing brother, concealed in old Super 8 reels and LPs. Avanti Popolo approaches themes common to many Latin American countries: military dictatorships and the eternal wait for the return of the exiled and disappeared. Through a postmodern narrative, subtle visual metaphors and outstanding use of sound, the drama rejects the metanarratives of the past, exposing the wounds they have left behind. -Vitor Borba
Like a Latin Kaurismäki, Wahrmann creates a universe full of nostalgia, invisible pain and surprising humour. Fernando Vilchez, Cinencuentro
Precisando de um lugar para ficar depois de uma briga com a mulher, um homem vai à casa do pai, onde é recebido friamente pelo velho e sua única companheira, uma cadela chamada Baleia. Na vivenda modesta, o filho desenterra as memórias de um irmão desaparecido, escondidas em rolos de super 8 e LPs. Avanti Popolo aborda temas comuns a muitos países Latino-americanos: a ditadura militare e a eterna espera pelos exilados. Com uma narrativa pós-moderna, metáforas visuais sutis e excelente uso de áudio, o drama rejeita as metanarrativas do passado, expondo as feridas deixadas por elas.
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Michael Wahrmann was born in 1979 in Uruguay, and at the age of six immigrated to Israel. He attended the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design and in 2004, moved to São Paulo to study film. Avanti Popolo won the CinemaXXI Best Film Award at the Rome Film Festival and Best Director at FICUNAM.