Young & Wild
Director: Marialy Rivas Producers: Juan de Dios Larraín, Pablo Larraín. Screenplay: Marialy Rivas, Camila Gutiérrez, Pedro Peirano, Sebastián Sepúlveda. Cinematographer: Sergio Armstrong. Editors: Andrea Chignoli, Sebastián Sepúlveda. Principal Cast: Alicia Rodríguez, María Gracia Omegna, Felipe Pinto, Aline Kuppenheim, Ingrid Isensee, Alejandro Goic
Daniela is an angst-ridden 17-year-old who finds that her raging sexual drive is difficult to reconcile with the orders of her religion and the expectations of her well-to-do, evangelical family. With no outlet for her desire, Daniela taps into an online network of other restless teenagers through her sexually charged blog. In addition to being a playful, energetic and, at times, uncomfortably explicit coming-of-age story, Joven y Alocada is fresh and innovative in its format.
If this movie is able to raise questions in people’s souls regarding how they perceive their sexuality, and of how much guilt, pain, phobia or hatred derives from absurd notions of misunderstood religion, I will be the happiest woman to walk this earth. Marialy rivas
Yo/ La loca juventud/ Las cartas de amor/ Mi familia evangélica/ el tio pastor/ La loca infancia/ el blog/ Por el culo/ Milagros de Jesus/ el castigo/ Mi tia y su cancer/ Biblia, biblia, biblia/ Sexo, sexo, sexo/ Mi hermana expulsada por fornicaria/ Yo expulsada por fornicaria/ Nosotras las fornicarias/ el infierno no es una metáfora/ el canal evangelion/ el barón de dios/ La linda linda del canal/ Mas sexo y sexo y sexo/ Santiago de chiclets/ Joven y Alocada es la película chilena más novedosa en muchos años.
Marialy Rivas was born in Talcahuano, Chile in 1976. Her short film, Blokes (Blocks), competed at Cannes, and won awards for Best Short at Miami and San Francisco. Joven y Alocada was nominated for the GrandJury Prize and won the World Cinema Best Screenplay Award at the Sundance Film Festival.