Juan of the death
Director: Alejandro Brugués Producers: Inti Herrera, Claudia Calviño, Gervasio Iglesias Screenplay: Alejandro Brugués Cinematographer: Carles Gusi Editor: Mercedes Cantero Music: Sergio Valdés Principal Cast: Alexis Días de Villegas, Jorge Molina, Andrea Duro, Andros Perugorría, Jazz Vila, Eliecer Ramírez
When hungry, flesh-eating zombies begin to take over the island of Cuba on the anniversary of the revolution, the official media refers to the reports as isolated incidents provoked by dissidents paid by the US government. Fortunately for the future of the nation and before widespread panic fully sets in, Juan and his friends come to the rescue. Once they figure out that the only way to beat the zombies is to destroy their brains, Juan realizes there is an upside to this situation: they can confront the zombies and make some money out of it at the same time. Politically astute, fast-paced and hilarious, Juan de los muertos is a cinematic extravaganza. This wacky zombie comedy exploits to the full this genre’s juicy potential for satire: a more solemn kind of movie maybe couldn’t get away with being quite as irreverent about the Castro government. Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian Cuando hambrientos Zombies de carne humana empiezan a tomar control de la isla en el aniversario de la revolución, los medios oficiales informan de que los disturbios son provocados por disidentes pagados por los estados Unidos. el pánico se apodera de todos hasta que un héroe, Juan, sale al rescate. La única manera de matar a los zombis es destruir su cerebro, así, Juan decide enfrentarles para su tarea prepara el slogan ̈matamos a sus seres queridos ̈.... Por una suma de dinero, claro. Juan de los muertos es pura extravagancia cinemática.
Alejandro Brugués was born in Buenos Aires in 1976. He is a graduate of the International Film and Television School of San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba (EICTV) and is one of the partners in the Cuban indie film production company, “Producciones de la 5ta Avenida.” Personal Belongings, his first feature as director, screened at VLAFF 2009. Juan de los muertos had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival and is one of the most acclaimed (and talked about) Latin American films of the year.