Director: José Henrique Fonseca Producers: José Henrique Fonseca, Rodrigo Teixeira, eduardo Pop Screenplay: José Henrique Fonseca, Felipe Bragança, Fernando Castets Cinematographer: Walter Carvalho Editor: Sergio Mekler Music: Berna Ceppas Principal Cast: Rodrigo Santoro, Alinne Moraes, Angie Cepeda
José Henrique Fonseca crafts an ambitious and long overdue homage to a central icon in Brazil’s 20th century history. Reminiscent of film noir classics, the biopic tells the glorious and tragic story of the legendary football striker Heleno de Freitas. The sumptuous black and white cinematography reflects the chic life of Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s as it fell under the spell of sports royalty. Heleno was no doubt one of the most popular players of his time for his bravura in the field and magnificent goal-scoring that lead the Botafogo team to the top and himself into a vicious downward spiral.
Fonseca expertly captures both the mood and beauty of his film’s setting, as well the excitement of football at such a seminal point in its history. Diana Sanchez, Toronto International Film Festival
José Henrique Fonseca cria uma merecida homenagem a um ícone central da história brasileira do século XX. espelhando os clássicos do film noir, Heleno conta a gloriosa e trágica história do legendário atacante de futebol Heleno de Freitas. Com a vida chique no Rio de Janeiro dos anos 40 refletida em uma extravagante cinematografia preto e branca, o filme mostra a impressionante popularidade de Heleno em uma sociedade encantada pela magia do futebol. Sua raça nos gramados e seus magníficos gols levaram o Botafogo ao topo e sua vida a uma descida em espiral ao fundo do poço.
José Henrique Fonseca was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1964. heleno is his second feature film and had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival. It was nominated for Best Film at the Cartagena Film Festival, and Rodrigo Santoro won the award for Best Actor at the Havana Film Festival.