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Director: Kenya Márquez Producers: Karla Uribe González, Héctor Zubieta, Kenya Márquez Screenplay: Kenya Márquez, Alfonso Suaréz Cinematographer: Javier Morón Editor: Felipe Gómez, Juan Manuel Figueroa Music: Mario Osuna, Alejandro Segovia Principal Cast: Ana Ofelia Murguía, Damián Alcázar, Marisol Centeno, Marta Aura, Eduardo España, Jorge Zárate, Eduardo Villalpando
In this off-the-wall macabre comedy, Ramona, a widow who becomes a compulsive wreck when her only son disappears, begins to frequent the morgue; the only clue she has to identify his body is a minor cut that she caused him when clipping his toenails. There she encounters Genaro, a handy-man who collects articles on crime, and she becomes obsessed with the idea that he is somehow connected to the disappearance of her son. The arrival of Mariana, an attractive young woman who appears to be fleeing from something, adds an unexpected twist to Ramona’s desperate search.
Close to a decade in the making...Kenya Márquez’s hard work pays off in this dark, inventive and satirical comedy. Andres Castillo
Ramona, una viuda que ve arruinada su vida repentinamente cuando su único hijo desaparece, empieza a frecuentar la morgue, teniendo como única pista una cortadura menor que le causó a su hijo al cortarle las uñas de los pies. Allí conoce a Genaro, un mil usos quien se dedica a coleccionar artículos de periódicos de la sección policíaca, y ella se convence de que existe una conexión con la desaparición de su hijo.
Kenya Márquez was born in Mexico in 1972. She was the general director of the Guadalajara International Film Festival from 2002 - 2005. Her feature film debut, Fecha de caducidad, won the Audience Award at the Morelia International Film Festival and the Best First Ibero-American Film Award at the Miami International Film Festival.